If you have never received a professional massage, or have not experienced a massage in a very long time, these are reasons to make time to do so!
December 1, 2016 0 Massage by Kelly Cartus
December 1, 2016 0 Massage by Kelly Cartus
If you have never received a professional massage, or have not experienced a massage in a very long time, these are reasons to make time to do so!
December 1, 2016 0 Massage by Kelly Cartus
The word “change” elicits a multitude of feelings when used in the context of people’s habits or lifestyles. People can feel indifferent, excited, hesitant, nonplussed, surprised, sad, happy, or even fearful of change. Over the course of my life, I have made several changes. I have chosen to live in different places; I have changed […]